Repair the Star

Start this quest at: Scientist Stevens, located in the Research Facillity

Step 1:
Start at: Scientist Stevens
Tool Box: 0/1 (From the quest "Oh That Supervisor")
Sheet Rock: 0/1 (From the quest "Oh That Supervisor")
Joint Compound: 0/1 (From the quest "Oh That Supervisor")
Turn it at: Scientist Stevens
Reward: 100,000 exp

Step 2:
Start at: Scientist Stevens
Brass Knobs: 0/1 (From the quest "Shakedown for the Knobs")
Turn it at: Scientist Stevens
Reward: 400,000 exp

Step 3:
Start at: Scientist Stevens
Confidential: Flair: 0/1 (From the quest "Will the real Headspy plz Sit Down")
Turn it at: Scientist Stevens
Reward: 100,000 exp

Step 4:
Start at: Governor Linche
Just Talk
Turn it at: Governor Linche
Reward: 200,000 exp
+ Key to the City (With this and a Casino ticket, you can enter the Casino)