Family Jewels

Start the quest at: Jacob Arabov, located in (Hint: At the highest peak, the jeweler you must seek)

Step 1:
Start at: Jacob
Raw Pearl: 0/15 (Drops from Popped Oyster spawn mob which can be found in the Bunker Hill)
Denver Golden Nugget: 0/20 (Drops from Possible Pyrite spawn mob which can be found in the Bunker Hill)
Turn in at: Jacob
Reward: 175,000 exp

Step 2:
Start at: Jacob
Raw Pearl: 0/3 (Drops from Popped Oyster spawn mob which can be found in the Bunker Hill)
Denver Golden Nugget: 0/5 (Drops from Possible Pyrite spawn mob which can be found in the Bunker Hill)
Turn in at: Jacob
Reward: 125,000 exp

Step 3:
Start at: Jacob
Just Talk
Turn in at: Jacob
Reward: You have received a Jacobian Gold Watch! You have received a Pearl Necklace!

Step 4:
Start at: Prinsess Lay Ya (Located in Space Port)
Pearl Necklace: 0/1 (From step 3)
Turn in at: Prinsess Lay Ya
Reward: You have received a Power Orb (left)!

Step 5:
Start at: Head of Senate (Located in House of Senate)
Jacobian Gold Watch: 0/1 (From step 3)
Turn in at: (Located in House of Senate)
Reward: You have received a Power Orb (right)!

Step 6:
Start at: Jacob
Power Orb (Left): 0/1 (From step 4)
Power Orb (Right): 0/1 (From step 5)

Turn in at: Jacob
Reward: Nothing

Step 7:
Start at: Jacob
Raw Pearl: 0/2 (Drops from Popped Oyster spawn mob which can be found in the Bunker Hill)
Denver Golden Nugget: 0/3 (Drops from Possible Pyrite spawn mob which can be found in the Bunker Hill)
Turn in at: Jacob
Reward: You have received a Power Orb!